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Brexit and employment law

Whichever side of the Brexit fence you sit on, there is no doubt that Brexit has the potential for far reaching implications for the UK.

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Parental bereavement (leave and pay)

On 13 September 2018, a new workplace right to paid leave for bereaved parents was implemented.

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Landlords face tough new regime for tenant protection

Landlords could face high fines if they are not up to date with the latest legislation designed to protect tenants.

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Red flag for employers

Who’s who on the payroll is an ongoing challenge for employers in the run up to new payslip requirements

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Online divorce, but complex cases will keep their day in court

RIAA Barker Gillette has an excellent family team who can advise on all topics this article raises, including drafting pre-nups on a fixed fee basis*.

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The Employment Tribunal Strikes Back

A pilot who provided a fake reference from a Star Wars villain has been ordered to repay his training costs

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Redundancy facts and fictions

What every employer and employee should know!

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Terms and conditions for small businesses

An essential guide!

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High temperatures in the workplace

A Growing Challenge for Employers

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Compulsory purchase – what does this mean?

Owners have a right to peaceful enjoyment of their property. However, there can be occasions when that right is overcome, forcing the owner to sell up and move out. One such occasion is when the owner receives a Compulsory Purchase Order.

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Legal jargon in wills: understanding your will

When preparing a will, it's common to encounter legal jargon that might be confusing. This article aims to clarify those terms, ensuring you understand your will completely.

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Electronic signatures and digital contracts

Digital contracts are agreements or e-contracts created and executed using digital methods. Parties no longer need to print, manually sign, scan and email (or post) various sections or counterparts. "Digital contracts utilise technology that offers better security and authenticity than wet-ink signed contracts", says Patrick Simpson.

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